This is my webpage for GITA 2.
Social Media Webpage
Date: 08/23
This project is a research project on the benefits
and risks of social media. We also implemented
rollover effects onto the graphics.
Social Media Webpage
Buisness Card
Date: 08/27
This project is a personal buisness card linking
to our gita website.
Business Card
Date: 09/03
This project is collage of images that represents
me. We created it using absolute positioning.
Online Store
Date: 09/11
This project is an online store for a theme of my
choosing. Similar to the online store webpage last
year, this mimics a buisness' online store to create
a visually appealing shopping experience.
Online Store
Online Store Upgrade
Date: 10/03
This is an upgrade of the online store, incorporating
radio buttons and other stats.
Online Store Upgrade
Date: 09/20
This program mimics rolling two dice by generating
random numbers and incorporating images. It also keeps
track of stats.
Date: 09/25
This program will create a simulation of the classic
Las Vegas Craps game. The game will involve rolling two dice,
calculating the sum, and displaying the result with graphical
representations of the dice.
Circle Bounce
Date: 10/04
In this program a circle moves diagonally around a canvas in the
browser. The circle stays within the canvas boundaries and bounces
off the edges when it hits them.
Circle Bounce
Space Invaders
Date: 10/17
This program is a simple game with movement, shooting mechanics, and
win/loss conditions. The goal is for the player to defeat the space
invader by shooting it three times, while avoiding losing if the invader
reaches the bottom of the canvas, mimicing the actual space invaders game.
Space Invaders
Date: 10/25
This program involves an interactive tank game. The game features a tank that
can move in four different directions and shoot in all directions. The goal
is to hit a randomly appearing target and accumulate points before time runs out.
Circle Bounce (Multiple Objects)
Date: 10/31
This program involves creating circles of random sizes, speeds, and colors that
move within a canvas while bouncing off all walls. Additionally, a rectangle
moves randomly in random directions, and if it approaches a circle, the
rectangle's color changes.
Circle Bounce (Multiple Circles)
Date: 11/15
In this game the user controls a submarine that moves with keypresses and is
always floating upward. A school of fish swims independently, with each fish facing
a direction and moving out of the way of the submarine. A small fish swims randomly,
and the submarine must protect it from losing health when it gets too close to other fish.
The game ends when the small fish loses all its health, and the final score is based
on the time spent playing.
Number Arrays
Date: 11/20
This program generates and analyzes a set of random numbers while providing
user interaction to explore and manipulate the dataset.
Number Arrays
Number Arrays Upgrade One
Date: 11/22
In this upgrade of number arrays, we generated and manipulated a large dataset.
We also had to evaluate the performance of searching within an array and
calculate statistical results.
Number Arrays Upgrade Part One
Number Arrays Upgrade Two
Date: 12/04
We upgraded the program by adding functionality to evaluate the
efficiency of searching within a sorted array using binary search.
Number Arrays Upgrade Part Two
Circle Art
Date: 12/16
In this program we drew circles to create a type of step-by-step
guide on how to draw a circle pattern.
Circle Art