Goodbye ProgramDate: 08/23
This program says goodbye in four different languages
and English depending on which button you choose.
Help PageDate: 08/24
This project is a help page to learn more about my
buisness. You can click buttons to see information
about my company.
Mailing LabelDate: 08/24
This program takes user information and creates a
mailing label to fit the user.
MadlibsDate: 09/06
This project is a madlibs game. The user enters
nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and more to
read a fun story using the words they entered.
Car RentalDate: 09/11
This project simulates a car rental website.
The user can find out how much renting a car
would cost for a certain amount of days.
Body Mass IndexDate: 09/18
This project calculates the user's BMI
based on their height and weight.
Car Rental UpgradeDate: 09/26
This is an upgraded version of car
rental. In this program, the user
can choose between multiple cars and
other upgrades.
Dice ProbabilitiesDate: 10/04
In this program, the user can roll two dice
and see what the probability is of
rolling each number.
Test Score ProgramDate: 10/02
This project takes two test scores and returns the
letter grade. It also calculates the average between
the two, as well as which testhad a higher score.
Craps GameDate: 10/10
This program simulates the casino game craps. The
user can roll the dice and try to win.
Slot MachineDate: 10/17
This progect simulates a slot machine. The user can
bet money and attempt to win the jackpot.
Taco ShopDate: 10/26
In this project we made a taco shop that stimulated online ordering.
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard SpockDate: 11/09
In this project we made a rock paper scissors program that simulates
the game of rock paper scissors between two people.
Stair WalkerDate: 11/27
This project shows a cat going up and down a flight of stairs.
2D SubmarinesDate: 01/19
This project is a stimulation of two submarines moving around in
the ocean until they crash and sink.
Tic-Tac-ToeDate: 02/01
This program is a game of tic-tac-toe between two players.
Basic AIDate: 02/16
This program is a minigame where the player has to kill the AI.
Star-FieldDate: 02/22
This project simulates the user traveling through space.
Fishing SimulatorDate: 03/05
This program is a minigame where the user has to catch as many
fish as possible while the fish are hunted by the shark.
Bees SimulatorDate: 03/22
This project generates bees when the user presses the space button.
The bees go to the flower, then to the beehive before disapepearing.